Flagler Connect (Access Your Network Files Remotely)
Accessing your remote network files is easy using Flagler Connect. You can easily download and upload files and access remote computers using any web browser. Check out the information below to learn what you can do with Flagler Connect.
Information for:
Information for
- Before you use Flagler Connect, make sure that the computer you are connecting from has up-to-date anti-virus software so that you do not corrupt your important files. Click here to learn about free anti-virus software for Windows. Click here to learn about free anti-virus software for Mac.
- Go to Flagler Connect and log in with your network/email username and password. Do not include @flagler.edu after your username.
- Read the information below to learn how to use Flagler Connect.
- Remember to log out when you are done working.
When you log in, you will see a section on the page called "Files." This section contains a list of bookmarks that may include any of the following:
- Home Folder: Access your personal documents that you see when you log into Windows computers on campus. For full-time employees, this is your "P drive." For part-time employees and students, this is your My Documents.
- Group Folders: Access documents shared within your department or group.
- Class Folders: Access documents used by classes in Windows labs.
Download a File
- To download a file, browse to the file location and click the file.
- The file will be downloaded to your computer.
- When you are done working on the file from your computer, don't forget to upload the new file.
- If you upload the file using the same file name, your new file will be renamed with the date and time appended so that you can recognize the most recent file.
Download Multiple Files or a Whole Folder (Good for backing up your entire home folder)
- To download multiple files at once, or to download a folder, check the checkbox next to the file(s) and folder(s) that you would like to download.
- If you would like to select all, click the select all icon in the upper left of the file list.
- Click the "Download..." button.
- Your files will be saved to a .zip file archive on your computer.
- Choose a name for the .zip and save it to your computer.
Upload a File
- To upload a file, browse to the folder where you would like to upload the file.
- Click the "Upload Files..." button.
- Browse on your computer to find the file(s) you would like to upload.
- If you like, you may choose a new name for the uploaded file, but this is optional.
- If you are uploading a file with the same name in the same location as a file already on the server, the new file will automatically be renamed with the date and time of the upload appended.
- If you would like to overwrite a file with the same name in the same location as a file already on the server, enter the file name in the Save As field. For example, to overwrite a file named hello.txt, you must enter hello.txt in the Save As field. Use this feature with caution.
- Click "Upload."
- A window will open to show you when the file is done being uploaded.
Upload a Folder
- To upload a folder, you will need to compress the folder, and then upload it. Here's how:
- On your computer, locate the folder you would like to upload.
- Right-click on the folder and choose "Send to" > "Compressed (zipped) folder" on Window or choose "Compress" on Mac.
- In the Flagler Connect window, browse to the location where you would like to add the folder from your computer.
- Click the "Upload Files..." button.
- Browse on your computer and select the .zip file you created in the steps above.
- In the "Upload Files" window, check the option next to your file upload that says "Uncompress .zip"
- Click "Upload."
- A window will open to show you when the folder has been uploaded and uncompressed.
Delete a File or Folder
- Browse to the folder that contains the file or folder you would like to delete.
- Click the checkbox to the left of the file or folder you would like to delete.
- Click the "Delete..." button.
- Confirm that you would like to delete the file or folder and it will be removed permanently. Use this option carefully.
You can bookmark folders that you access often to be able to access them quickly, without the need to browse into folder upon folder:
Bookmark a Folder
- Browse to the folder you would like to bookmark.
- In the upper right, click the "Bookmark Current Folder" icon.
- Choose a name for your bookmark, and optionally add a description if you would like.
- Click "Add Bookmark."
- You will be returned to the Flagler Connect home area, where you will see your Bookmark listed in the "Files" section.
Rename or Delete a Bookmark
- If you would like to rename a bookmark or change its description, click the "Item Properties" icon to the right of the bookmark.
- Enter a new name and/or description and click "Save Changes."
- If you would like to delete a bookmark, just click the trashcan icon at the right of the bookmark.
Reorganize Your Bookmarks
- To change the order of your bookmarks, click the "Panel Preferences" icon at the right of the "Files" section header.
- Select a bookmark from the list and move it up or down as desired.
- You can also delete unwanted bookmarks from this screen.
- You can also sort your bookmarks alphabetically from this menu.
- If you would like to see your bookmarks above the Home and Group Folder shortcuts, check the box next to "Display my file bookmarks before the permanent file bookmarks."
- You can come back to "Panel Preferences" at any time to adjust any of these options.
- Click "Save Changes."
Here are a few ways that you can further customize your Flagler Connect experience:
Show your bookmarks above the default Home and Group Folder bookmarks
- To show your custom bookmarks above the default bookmarks, click the "Panel Preferences" icon at the right of the "Files" section header.
- Check the box next to "Display my file bookmarks before the permanent file bookmarks."
- You can come back to "Panel Preferences" at any time to adjust any of these options.
- Click "Save Changes."
Reorganize the home page layout
- Click on the "Preferences" icon in the upper-right of the page.
- On the "User Home" tab, you can rearrange the page elements however you would like, including creating separate vertical columns if desired.
- You can come back to "Panel Preferences" at any time to adjust any of these options.
- Click "Save Changes."
Change the Remote Desktop quality
- Click on the "Preferences" icon in the upper-right of the page.
- Click on the "General" tab.
- In the "Remote Desktop Launcher" section, you can change the screen size if desired.
- In the "Remote Desktop Launcher" section, you can also change the image quality. 8-bit is the lowest quality but fastest connection. 32-bit is the highest quality but may create a slower connection depending on your home internet speed.
- You can come back to "Panel Preferences" at any time to adjust any of these options.
- Click "Save Changes."
Contact Us
Contact Us
We are happy to help! Our office is located in Proctor Library, Room 212. We're open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. You can contact us by calling (904) 819-6293 or emailing us at: