Flagler Facts
The best way to know if Flagler is the right college for you is to get an overview of who we are and what our students have accomplished.
College Profile
Flagler College is located in St. Augustine, Florida, and is a four-year, private/independent, residential institution that is committed to the people we serve. We are nonsectarian and are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate and master’s degrees. Take a glance below at our stats.
Enrollment Profile
Enrollment Profile
We have 2,400 students attending Flagler College in St. Augustine. Here are just a few of our enrollment stats. Be sure to check out our new student class profile.
We offer over 39 majors, 49 minors, two pre-professional programs, and two master's degree programs.
- National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II (NCAA II) school
- Men’s Teams: baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, tennis, lacrosse, track and field
- Women’s Teams: basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, lacrosse, track and field
Visit our Athletics website for game schedules, team rosters, and sports news.
Campus Facts
Campus Facts
- Ponce de Leon Hall: National Historic Landmark
- 47-acre campus with a 19-acre athletic field
- 6 residence halls
- 4 miles from the Atlantic Ocean
- 35 miles south of Jacksonville
- 55 miles north of Daytona Beach
Outcomes and Rankings
Outcomes and Rankings
Explore our exceptional national rankings and outstanding success stories.
Learn about Flagler College post-graduation outcomes, including jobs, internships, and graduate school.
Our earned accolades are a testament to our transformative academic commitment.