Undergraduate Research

Students researching bones for an anthropology class

Opportunities to perform research abound as an undergraduate at Flagler College. You can do research with your professor or independently. The Office of Undergraduate Research provides grants of up to $750 to help students gather data, assemble research materials, and to present and publish their completed work. 

Flagler College faculty at the Fort Mose site.

Research Criteria

There are many criteria that we review to determine if your research project is the right fit for funding.  You can start the process now by contacting the Director of Undergraduate Research.

Email the Office of Undergraduate Research 

Research in the News

Flagler College employee Matt Brown is shown.
Associate Professor discusses importance of research

Associate Professor Matt Brown was on First Coast Connect in May 2024 to discuss water quality, student research, and the importance of both.  Watch the interview

Research Publications

The Review is Flagler's history journal and includes original Flagler College student research. The journal began in 2020, with Volume 5 in production as of Spring 2024. 

Review article topics range from ancient times through the present and span the globe. We've written about everything from the space race to chivalry, revolutions, the holocaust, and the history of rock and roll.

Click the links below to download volumes one and two.

FCHR vol.1.pdf
(10.49 MB)
FCHR vol. 2.pdf
(704.25 KB)

The Flagler College Honors Program sponsors the Saints Academic Review (SAR), an interdisciplinary journal featuring original research from Flagler College students. The first volume came out in Fall 2024.  Any Flagler College student is welcome to submit an article for publication in this journal.

Go to SAR Volume 1

Go to SAR Volume 2

Or, download the files below:

Interested in submitting to a journal?


If you have questions about undergraduate research at Flagler College or you would like to make an appointment with the Director of Undergraduate Research, please email Dr. John Young at jyoung@flagler.edu