John D. Young
Associate Professor History; Director of Undergraduate Research
Professional Profile
Professor Young holds doctoral and master's degrees in Medieval Studies from the University of Notre Dame, a diploma in Jewish Studies from the University of Oxford, and a bachelor's degree in history from Brigham Young University. He teaches a wide variety of courses on various historical layers of and thematic emphases within European and African history. His research focuses on the intersections between the culture, politics, and economics of the high Middle Ages, with a particular emphasis on monasticism and Jewish-Christian relations. He also has a secondary research interest in Mormon Studies.
- Previously taught at Brigham Young University
Courses taught at Flagler College:
- Western Civilization I
- Medieval Europe
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- Early Modern Europe
- Byzantine Empire
- Pre-modern Africa
- Modern Africa
- Senior History Seminar
- Keystone Seminar
- Historical Methods
- The Crusades
- Medieval Lives
- Sports and Leisure in Antiquity
- Utopia and Dystopia in History, Literature, and Film
- King Arthur in History and Legend
- War and Genocide in Africa
- Medieval Minorities: Jews, Muslims, and Heretics
- History and Politics of South Africa
- Ancient Cities
- History of Genocide
- African Intellectual History
- Religions of the Classical World
- Introduction to African History
- Love and Sex in the Middle Ages
- European History in Film
- First Year Seminar
- The World of Dante and Bosch
- Kenan Distinguished Associate Professor of Liberal Education and History, 2018-21
- Visiting Professor at the University of Würzburg, Fall 2015 and Fall 2018
- Fellow, Forschungsstelle für vergleichende Ordengeschichte, University of Dresden
Recent publications:
- Co-editor with Timothy J. Johnson and Katherine Wrisley Shelby, Preaching and New Worlds: Sermons as Mirrors of Realms Far and Near (New York: Routledge, 2018).
- “A Fruitful Partnership: Jews and the Canons of St. Kilian in Twelfth-century Würzburg,” Concilium medii aevi 21 (2018), 79-90.
- “Old World Text and New World Cloister: Jews and Monks in the Admont Sermons on Exodus,” in Preaching and New Worlds: Sermons as Mirrors of Realms Far and Near, ed. Johnson, Shelby, and Young (New York: Routledge, 2018), 28-42.
- Co-author with David D. Peck, Krista Feinberg, and Tyson Yost, This Small Spot: A Narrative History of Selected World Civilizations (Chicago: Redshelf, 2017)
- “Medieval Monastic Sermons: An Argument for New Editions,” in Editionswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 2017: Quelleneditionen zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens und anderer geistlicher Institutionen, ed. H. Flachenecker, K. Kopinski, and J. Tandecki (Torun, Poland, 2017), 109-22.
- Co-editor with Miranda Wilcox, Standing Apart: Mormon Historical Consciousness and the Concept of Apostasy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).
- “Long Narratives: Toward a New Mormon Understanding of Apostasy,” in Standing Apart, ed. Miranda Wilcox and John D. Young (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) 309-34.
Recent papers presented:
- “Visitors to the Cloister: Outsiders in Monastic Exempla” (Poster), International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Symposium, Bristol, UK, July 2018.
- “A Fruitful Partnership: Jews and the Canons of St. Kilian in Twelfth-century Würzburg,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2018.
- "Medieval Monastic Sermons: An Argument for New Editions,” Deutsch-Polnischer Gesprächskreis für Quellenedition Conference, University of Würzburg, Germany, May 2017.
- "Jews, Monks, and New Worlds in the Admont Sermons on Exodus", International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Symposium, Flagler College, July 2016.
- “Western Monasticism and the Other,” Workshop on the Interreligious Comparison of Monastic Cultures, Forschungsstelle für vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, University of Dresden, Germany, July 2014.
- "Monks in Arrears: Monasteries and the Thirteen-century Economy," International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2013.
More Information
Explore more: Click the link below to watch a recently televised lecture hosted by Professors Arthur Vanden Houten and John Young
Office Hours (On Campus):
- Monday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Wednesday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Friday: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM