James Rowell
Associate Professor of Religion

Professional Profile
My interests lie in the cross-section of religion, politics, and morality. I have done work on religion and violence, inequality, science and religion, and many topics of religion, politics, and society. I also appreciate the connection between religion and creativity through film and fiction.
- Ph.D., religion, University of Pittsburgh
- MA, political science, University of New Hampshire
- BA, anthropology and political science, University of Massachusetts
Classes frequently offered
- World Religions
- Hinduism and India
- Islam and Politics
- Buddhism and Asia
- Religion and Conflict
- Star Wars Tolkien & Religion
- Gandhi & Bin Laden
- Inequality and Religion
- Star Wars Tolkien & Religion
- Science and Religion
- Also: Christian Ethics, Religion & Politics, Women & Religion.
Previously taught at:
- Lafayette College
- Curry College
Published Books
- Making Sense of the Sacred, Fortress Press, 2021
- Gandhi and Bin Laden: Religion at the Extremes from University Press of America, Summer-Fall 2009.
- Articles: “Abdul Ghaffar Khan” in Journal of Political Theology (Vol. 10, No. 4, 2009) “Has Non-Violence Been Trumped?” appeared in Theology Today in July 2006, Vol. 63, No.2; and “Gandhi and Bin Laden: Polar Extremes” in The Journal of Conflict Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1, Summer 2006.
- Presented paper on Abdul Ghaffar Khan November 2006 at AAR; previously paper 2003 AAR.
- Member of AAR 1999-2010, 2013; public speaking, including the Glenmore Retirement Home.
- Gandhi and Bin Laden: Religion at the Extremes from University Press of America, Summer-Fall 2009.
- “Abdul Ghaffar Khan” in Journal of Political Theology (Vol. 10, No. 4, 2009) “Has Non-Violence Been Trumped?” appeared in Theology Today in July 2006, Vol. 63, No.2;
- “Gandhi and Bin Laden: Polar Extremes” in The Journal of Conflict Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1, Summer 2006.
- Academic Award for Excellence, Flagler College 2009-2010.
Area of Research
- Religion, politics, and the choice of violence/non-violence.
- Religious Realism & Religious Universalism. Religion, politics, and inequality.
- Religion and regional politics, & culture.
- Religion, fiction, and film.
- These express some of the ranges of interests I have - though not have all been equally researched in my endeavors so far.
More Information
Office Hours (On Campus):
- Tuesday: 8:50 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
- Thursday: 8:50 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.