Angelenia Semegon
Professional Profile
A specialist in developmental psychology with a graduate certificate in gerontology, Dr. Semegon earned her Ph.D. from the University of Florida. She holds an M.A. and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of North Florida. She is the recipient of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award and the Pre-doctoral Fellow-National Institute on Health Research Service Award.
Dr. Semegon's primary research interest focuses on the relationship of autobiographical memory and development of self-concept, as well as the relationship of autobiographical memory and adults’ psychological well-being. Currently, she is examining variations in the functions of autobiographical memory in people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Semegon also works closely with students who have interests in cross-cultural studies. She also involves students in efficacy studies of Animal Assistive Intervention therapies (canines)
Courses taught:
- Adolescent Psychology Advanced Research Methods Child Psychology
- Learning Community Child Psychology
- Onsite and Online Cross Cultural Psychology
- First Year Experience
- Psychology of Aging Research Methods
- Positive Psychology Senior Seminar
- Lifespan Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Cross Cultural Research Methods
- Cultural psychology
- Cultural Perspectives of Human Development
- Study Abroad China
- Study Abroad Panama
- Study Abroad Peru
Previously taught at:
- University of Florida
- University of North Florida
- St. Leo University
- Santa Fe College
- Co-published “Assessing attention control in goal pursuit: A component of dispositional self-regulation” in Journal of Personality Assessment
- Co-published “Young and Older Adults’ Expression of Emotional Experience” in Journal of Adult Development
- Co-published “Representations of self and illness: Their importance for the patient-physician relationship.” in D.C. Parks & L. Liu (Eds.), Social and cognitive perspective on medical adherence
- Frequent speaker and presenter at academic conferences and seminars on developmental psychology and gerontology
- Member, American Psychologist Association
- Member, Gerontological Society of America
More Information
- Former Faculty Adviser for Psi Chi, the International Honors Society in Psychology
- Flagler Faculty Senate - Senate Executive Committee member
- Study Abroad- China, Peru, Panama
Office Hours (On Campus):
- Monday: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
- Tuesday: 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
- Wednesday: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
- Thursday: 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM