Scheduling and Appointment
Scheduling and Appointment
8 AM-5 PM
Please come to the counseling center in person to schedule an appointment or consult with counseling staff.
Please Note
- Our after-hours protocol is for students to contact Safety and Security at 904-819-6200.
- If you are experiencing a psychological emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room, which is at Flagler Hospital.
Counseling Services Procedures
Counseling Services Procedures
To schedule an appointment please come into the Counseling Center located at 65 Valencia Street, we are the office with the blue door.
What Type of Counseling Appointment Is Right for Me?
Level 1: Emergency Appointment
(This appointment will focus on assessing and addressing your safety needs.)
If you have taken action to harm yourself, present to the FCCS during business hours, call 911, or report to the nearest Emergency Room immediately. If you are planning and/or intend to harm yourself or someone else, present to the Flagler College Counseling Center during business hours and tell the Counseling staff that this is an emergency and you need to be seen right away. After business hours, call 911, report to the nearest Emergency Room, or call Flagler College Safety and Security at 904-819-6200.
Level 2: Crisis Appointment
If you feel you are NOT at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others and you HAVE NOT taken action to harm yourself, but are dealing with a serious personal crisis that necessitates rapid attention by a mental health professional. This meeting will be brief and will focus on helping you address the crisis situation.
A Level 2 crisis may include:
- Current suicidal thoughts without an immediate plan or intent.
- Current homicidal thoughts without an immediate plan or intent.
- Recent sexual assault or other trauma.
- The recent death of a significant person in your life.
Level 3: Counseling Appointment
A Level 3 appointment provides you with the opportunity to address any personal concerns having a negative impact on the quality of your life.
Some issues/concerns that students discuss include but are not limited to:
- Relationship problems/break-up
- Self-esteem
- Depression/sadness
- Anxiety/stress/panic
- Eating and body image concerns
- Academic difficulties
- Trouble adjusting to college
- Family issues
- Alcohol and drug issues
- Gender
- Diversity and Inclusion Concerns
Level 4: Counseling Appointment (I do not feel that I need ongoing counseling at this time)
This appointment may include:
- Post-hospitalization
- One appointment only, request
- Referral by another department or entity on campus
How Many Sessions?
Flagler College Counseling Services is a short-term counseling center. Some students get what they need from one to two sessions. Most typically, students are able to meet their goals in three to six sessions. This goal can be met through individual or group counseling.
If it is determined that you need a higher level of care than we can offer in the counseling center, your counselor will work to refer you to a community provider that better fits your needs.
No Show/Cancellation Policy
The Counseling Center is highly utilized and has a No Show/Cancellation policy to maximize access to services. The No Show and Cancellation policy is as follows:
- If a student decides to cancel or reschedule an appointment, the student must notify the Counseling Center as soon as possible so that another student may be seen at that time.
- If you do not show/late cancel/or reschedule 2 appointments within a semester without prior approval from your counselor; you will not be able to reschedule an appointment for the remainder of the semester. A referral to the community for services will be made in this instance.
- If you give less than 24 hrs. notice to cancel or reschedule that is considered a late cancel/reschedule and will count towards your 2 allowed cancellations/reschedules for the semester. Exceptions to this may occur if discussed with a counselor. Conversely, a counselor may elect to not schedule future appointments for a student if at any time the counselor judges that to be the appropriate course of action.