Merit Pages FAQs for Students
Merit Pages FAQs for Students
Merit pages are college-verified online profiles built to help students effectively market their resumes and accomplishments.
Accomplishments like making the President’s List, being elected to student leadership positions, earning a spot in an honors society, and winning athletic competitions can be added directly to students’ Merit pages to track their success at Flagler.
Some of these accomplishments are even accompanied by achievement stories, which are personalized and ready-to-share write-ups detailing student successes.
Students will receive a notification in their Flagler email account from Merit when their profile is created, followed by a welcome email. This welcome email will contain a secure link that reads “Sign in to your Merit page.”
This link takes students directly to their accounts where they are prompted to set up login information, add a profile photo, optionally connect to their social media accounts, and select a custom URL.
Writers from Flagler’s Marketing and Communications team work with departments, faculty, and staff across campus to identify accomplishments well-suited for potential stories and generate a list of students who participated in or earned those achievements. Once the story is written, it will be automatically customized for each qualified student to recognize them by name.
Email notifications
If a student is featured in an achievement story, the story will automatically populate on their Merit page and a notification will be sent to their email letting them know they have been recognized.
Hometown audiences
These achievement stories will also simultaneously be shared as a press release to students’ hometown media outlets, high school counseling or guidance departments, and offices of their state legislators.
Social media
Merit achievement stories can be easily shared directly on social channels by students and family members who have signed up to receive email notifications.
Merit shares stories based on the registration information students uploaded upon enrolling at Flagler. Student hometown newspapers and state legislators are determined based on the ZIP code associated with the student’s permanent address, and high schools are based on the information students provide on their admission application.
To view and make changes to which addresses are on file for your account, log in to your Merit account and navigate to the "About me" tab.
By filling out Merit’s "Parent Email Collector Form," parents, friends, family, mentors, and coaches can also sign-up to be notified via email when their students have been recognized through an achievement story.
If a student would prefer their accomplishments and achievement stories not be shared with those who register through the form, they can remove those email addresses from the automatic distribution by unchecking the “Allow others to follow me” box within their “Privacy” tab.
After claiming their Merit page, students can customize and enhance their profiles by adding things like previous awards, on-campus activities, work experience and internships, and previous education. Students can find an extensive guide for building out their Merit pages and customizing their profiles here.
The key difference between Merit and LinkedIn is that student Merit pages are in part updated for them by the College with accomplishments and achievement stories. So even if students don’t take advantage of the tools Merit offers to present resume content like work experience and activities, they will still have positive online content created to help them stand out in a job or graduate school search.
The information Flagler uses and shares through Merit is considered “directory information” and is addressed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) “directory information” clause. Directory information, such as your name, graduation year, and other publicly available facts are not required to be private according to FERPA. Directory Information is further explained on the U.S. Department of Education site here.
Student Merit pages are created by Flagler in compliance with our FERPA policy, but you can control your privacy settings, including how people can discover your Merit page.
Students have the option to make their Merit page unsearchable by unchecking the “Make my Merit page searchable” box under the “My Merit Page” section of the “Privacy” tab in their account. Once disabled, the student's page will only be viewable with a direct link to the page. Their full name will not appear on any school achievements or show up in searches anywhere on
Click here to learn more about configuring your Merit privacy settings.
Yes, students can opt out of their automatically generated Merit account in two ways: Students can opt out within the “Privacy” tab in their Merit account or by clicking on the opt-out link in the footer of the student welcome email, or any achievement notification email.
This will remove their Merit account from the web and disable Flagler from publishing or distributing any stories about that student in the future via Merit.
To take a deeper dive into Merit or explore other questions, students can visit the Merit Student Knowledge Base.
Or visit the Merit homepage at
Contact Us
For any Merit-related questions, students can reach out to Anna Boone in the Division of Marketing and Communications at