Alumni Awards

Alumni Award Opportunities 

In 1999, the tradition of Alumni Awards was born. It recognizes outstanding individuals who have left an indelible mark on their professions, Flagler College, or their communities. We proudly bestow these prestigious awards to deserving alumni each spring during the Alumni Weekend banquet.

The Pride of Flagler Alumni Award 

The highest award presented by the College, The Pride of Flagler Alumni Award, is granted to alumni who have demonstrated a lifelong commitment to a profession or cause and recognizes both professional achievement and service to Flagler College. To be eligible, the alumnus must demonstrate 20+ years of dedication to their chosen career or cause, actively engage in the support of Flagler College, and have distinguished themselves in their community.

The Flagler College Service Award

This award is presented to alumni who have rendered a high degree of service to Flagler College for over 10 years (for example, volunteering with the alumni office, coordinating alumni chapter activities, establishing an endowed scholarship, volunteering with campus clubs, organizations, athletics, etc.).

The Professional Achievement Award

Presented to alumni who have demonstrated significant accomplishments in their fields and have achieved national and/or regional recognition. Nominees must be a graduate of Flagler College and over the age of 32. This award may be bestowed on more than one candidate. 

The Community Service Award 

The Community Service Award is presented to alumni who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to serving their community.

The Young Alumni Achievement Award 

Presented to alumni 32 years of age and younger who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments since graduation, this award recognizes contributions to society, to a profession, or to Flagler College. The award may be based on professional and educational achievements, community activities, and honors and awards received.

Nominate an Alum

If you know a Flagler College graduate who fits one of the awards above, nominate them! Fill out this nomination form, and let's celebrate their successes together.