What is Corporate and Foundation Giving?
Flagler College’s Office of Corporate & Foundation Relations consistently engages with regional, statewide, and national corporate and foundation representatives – serving as a liaison between them and faculty from across the College to help realize Flagler’s strategic priorities.
Our goal is to cultivate meaningful, lasting, and mutually beneficial relationships with corporations and corporate foundations to support innovative programs, services, scholarships, and fellowships. Corporate support can be given through multiple pathways: outright gifts, sponsorships, matching funds, and grants.
Our office works diligently with Flagler College faculty & staff to identify opportunities for philanthropic foundation partnerships from across the country. Initiatives may come from a number of sources, including private family foundations, and corporate foundations.
Federal/State Organizations
In addition to private philanthropic foundations and corporations, Flagler College is often eligible to submit proposals to Federal and State organizations that issue RFPs (Request for Proposals). Typically, these initiatives are advertised through the Federal grants database www.grants.gov and require a level of cross-campus coordination in order to submit. We are happy to help at any point in this process!
Contact Us
If there is a corporation or foundation with which you’d like to interact or if you have a program or initiative you’re seeking to support, please give us a call or send us an inquiry! Contact Susan Connor, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, at sconnor@flagler.edu.