S. Michele Maletta, DBA
Professional Profile
Dr. Michele Maletta received a Doctorate of Business from the University of Florida and an M.B.A from Georgia Southern University. Having over 25 years of experience in Marketing, Sales, and Accounting, she provides a unique knowledge base to provide to her students. Her experience includes companies/industries such as IBM, Dixie Crystals, and Medical Financial Software sales, among others. Her passion is teaching Flagler College students how to gain insight into the business world and prepare her students to obtain a fulfilling and profitable career in their industry. Dr. Maletta has traveled to over 45 countries, and uses those experiences to enable marketing/sales students and professionals to understand different cultures, market research, and the importance of consumer behavior.
Courses taught at Flagler:
- Principles of Sales
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Research
- Sales Force Management
- Principles of Marketing
- Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Dissertation title: Persistence and Stickiness of Viral Marketing Content: Elongating the Effects of Viral Content Online
- Research interests include Virality and Generation Z, Sustainable Marketing, Social Media and College Enrollment Rates and Supply Chain Transparency Strategies