Grades and Transcripts

Flagler student smiling

We take all aspects of your academic performance into account when giving grades. That includes class attendance, participation, reports, projects, and test grades.

Our constant evaluation, aided by a low faculty-to-student ratio, helps us find learning deficiencies before the end of the course. That helps our instructors give you individual help if you need it. Final exams ae usually scheduled for the last week of the fall and spring terms.  We may give comprehensive exams in major fields of concentration during the final semester of the senior year.

Grades & Transcripts FAQ

The Registrar maintains student academic records and provides all official transcripts.

Online Request Form

Request your transcript online


Final grades are recorded on the student's permanent record after each semester and at the end of the summer school session. The grading system is as follows:

Grade Meaning Quality Points Numerical Equivalent
A Superior 4 93 - 100
A-   3.7 90 - 92
B+   3.3 87 - 89
B Good 3 83 - 86
B-   2.7 80 - 82
C+   2.3 77 - 79
C Satisfactory 2 73 - 76
C-   1.7 70 - 72
D+   1.3 67 - 69
D Passing 1 60 - 66
F Failing 0 59 and Lower
F Failure    
I Incomplete    
W Withdrew    
NG No Grade    
WF Withdraw Failing    
AU Audit    

Calculating Grade Point Average

To compute a student's grade point average, four quality points are given for each semester hour of A, 3 for each hour of B, 2 for each hour of C, and 1 for each hour of D. A grade of F or WF is counted as zero. The grade point average is calculated by dividing the hours attempted by the total quality points.

Note: A student may earn no more than two grades of D+ or below in the courses of a major, including ancillary courses, and only one grade of D+ or below in minor courses. An ancillary course is any course selected from among several course options that can be taken to fulfill the requirements of a major.

Incomplete Grade

The instructor assigns a grade of "I" (Incomplete) is assigned by the instructor when a student cannot complete a course due to extenuating circumstances and when all requirements can be completed quickly after the end of a term. In the absence of justifiable cause, an incomplete grade will not be assigned. To receive an incomplete grade, a student must process a Request for Incomplete Grade form.

The student is responsible for making arrangements with the instructor to complete the course requirements and remove the incomplete grade within eight weeks following the term in which the incomplete grade was received. The eight-week period is the maximum time allowed, and the instructor should establish an earlier date if possible. Students who fail to complete the course requirements within the prescribed period will automatically receive an F grade.

Incomplete grades are included in calculating a student's grade point average as an "F" (zero quality points). Upon completion of the course requirements, the incomplete grade will be removed, and the final course grade will be used to compute the student's grade point average.