Career Assessment

Flagler College uses FOCUS to help our students and alumni discover what is the best career fit. Take your free assessment here!

In FOCUS-2, You Can: 

  • Map out your career and educational goals, personal development, and training needs
  • Research particular career fields such as job outlook, salary by state, training and education, job duties, work conditions, & contact information
  • Compare two occupations side by side
  • Exploring the right major of study that will help you choose and move toward a career goal

To get started on FOCUS-2: 

First Time Users: Create a new account using the access code: flagler

Returning Users: Log in HERE


FloridaShines has many resources to help students be successful from home. Check them out now!

Start Your Journey 

MyCareerShines offers a variety of resources to help you plan your education and prepare for your career. Start by creating an account on MyCareerShines Journey, an online tool that allows you to:

  • Assess your interests, skills confidence, and work values
  • Explore an extensive catalog of careers
  • Find information about colleges and financial aid
  • Make a plan for your education
  • Create an effective resume
  • Find a job
  • Check out Florida's Top Jobs


This is an outside program not affiliated with Flagler College.