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Hispanic Heritage Month celebrated on campus with student event, keynote speaker

In 1988, the month-long celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month was codified as a national period of observance recognizing the cultures and contributions of people in the U.S. who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. This month of celebration, which begins on Sept. 15, also coincides with the anniversary of independence for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua reminding us to recognize the rich history of Latin American countries. “Hispanic Heritage Month to me means celebrating my culture and who I am,” senior Kandy Marroquin said. “It also reminds me to appreciate what my family has worked hard for.”

It All Started at Flagler: Alum Pursues Her Ph.D. and Passions in Scotland

In 2012, Flagler alum Stephanie Garrison was a history major studying abroad in the UK. She traveled around England, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland with her peers for two weeks, taking in the rich history across the pond. Of all the places they visited, Stephanie instantly fell in love with Scotland and knew she had to return.