The power of flight? 

Come to Flagler, earn your superpowers!

That's levitation, homes.

The two members of the band Tenacious D are dressed as wizards.
Picture of alum.
Emily Stone
Class of '23
Picture of a dark but intriguing forest.

The adventure of a lifetime

Choose your own adventure

Your future is wide open. Find your way at Flagler College.


The percentage of best "Reading Rainbow" episodes that feature Geordi La Forge as LeVar Burton.

Geordi La Forge as LeVar Burton

Timeline for power development


Take the first step toward your goal of ruling an empire or joining a supernaturally gifted but damaged team.  Or, chart your course as a loose cannon who will ultimately serve the common good, just through unorthodox means.

Begin by applying now.


Rally your minions (or supporters) and find ways to distract yourself as you wait to learn if you're accepted. Axe throwing, volunteering in your community, or mentally decorating your future dorm room are all acceptable ways to pass the time.


The owl carrying your Flagler College acceptance letter has arrived! Toss her a mouse and get ready to depart on the adventure of a lifetime. See your next steps here.

Picture of a planet's glowing core.

Learn about Flagler's powerful Core program

The heart of your education will be your Core classes.  Their unique formats, unusual elements, and colorful concepts are like nothing you've seen.

Robert Downey Junior surrounded by money

Most powerful attack: Tuition freeze!

One of the most powerful attacks you have at your disposal is heading off a debt attack before it happens. That's why we offer so many scholarship opportunities. Here's where you can find out more.