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FlagSHIP Deaf EcoSystem Course Creates Bridges Between Communities

Flagler Professors June Ann LeFors and Jennifer Catalano created the FlagSHIP Deaf EcoSystem Course with the sole mission of further connecting Flagler College to the Deaf community of St. Augustine. Their goal in creating the course was to teach students ways that local businesses can be more inclusive to Deaf individuals. With the help of Flagler- alumni owned local businesses, they’ve been able to do just that.

Forum speaker Alexander Heffner to discuss “Civil Discourse in an Uncivil Age: The Quest for Post-Partisan Citizenship”

Flagler College Forum on Government and Public Policy will present a lecture by host of The Open Mind PBS podcast, Alexander Heffner, on Thursday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Virginia Room on the second floor of the Student Center. His presentation will dive into what “Civil Discourse in an Uncivil Age” looks like in the divisive realm of modern politics and public affairs.

Forum speaker Nate Hochman to explore the question, “What is the Future of Conservatism?”

Flagler College Forum on Government and Public Policy will present a lecture delivered by National Review Staff Writer and conservative voice, Nate Hochman on Thursday, Sep. 8, 2022, at 7 p.m. in the Lewis Auditorium. His presentation will explore the question, “What is the Future of Conservatism?”

Hard-Working Flagler College Students Present at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference

Flagler College students had an opportunity of a lifetime to present their research at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), known as one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences. This year was Flagler's second year of sending students to the conference, and the number of participants has increased five times.