Amuk Tong

Amuk tossing basketball in the air

About Amuk Tong

Jacksonville, Fla. 

Sport Management major | Business Administration minor 

“My Flagler experience was transformative, innovative, and achievable.” 

Women’s Basketball, Athletes in Action Cru Club President, Association of Fundraising Professionals VP, Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), Black Student Union (BSU), Flagler Athletics Apprenticeship, Registrar Work Study, Institutional Advancement Philanthropist Officer Work Study, Adrienne Donelson Scholarship Recipient

Amuk's History-Making Moments

Describe your central passion(s) and how you hope to carry that into your post-grad plans: 

Throughout my journey at Flagler College, my central passion has been community engagement. This passion has been cultivated through my involvement in various activities such as playing basketball, participating in Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and being a member of the Cru Club. These experiences have allowed me to actively contribute to the community, whether it's through volunteering at local events or organizing youth basketball clinics. Each opportunity has not only deepened my love for community work but has also broadened my perspective on how to make a positive impact. 

One significant highlight was attending a Fundraising Conference in Canada, which expanded my understanding of community development and effective fundraising strategies. This experience solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in nonprofit organizations. Looking ahead to my post-grad plans, I aspire to join the AFP chapter in New York to further immerse myself in the nonprofit sector. Additionally, I plan to pursue a master's degree in business administration in the fall, which will provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and innovate within the nonprofit landscape. By combining my passion for community work with a strong foundation in business administration, I aim to drive positive change and make meaningful contributions to the organizations and communities I serve. 

Amuk crossing stage at Commencement

What (or who) helped inspire your passion in this area (or areas)? 

My passion for community engagement has been inspired by various individuals and experiences, but I would attribute a significant influence on my involvement with the AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) club. Interacting with members of the AFP club exposed me to diverse perspectives and innovative approaches to philanthropy and community development. Their dedication to making a difference and their commitment to social impact resonated deeply with me, igniting a spark of passion for nonprofit work. 

Briefly tell us the story of one stand-out memory from your time at Flagler that will always make you smile: 

One standout memory from my time at Flagler that brings a smile to my face is the Student Athlete Saint’s Choice Awards banquet. It was a special occasion where my teammates and friends had the opportunity to dress up elegantly and come together to celebrate our achievements. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and camaraderie as we enjoyed each other's company and reflected on our accomplishments. Capturing beautiful moments through photographs added to the memorable experience, providing lasting mementos of the joyous occasion. 

What academic resources, experiences, or mentors proved most valuable throughout your Flagler experience? 

Kathleen Keller, Dr. Bryant, Dr. Howell, Jeff Davitt, David Setzler and my amazing coaches have been such a blessing to me during my journey at Flagler College. 

What is one piece of advice or lesson you learned about the college experience that you wish you could tell your freshman year self? 

If I could go back and advise my freshman-year self about the college experience, I would emphasize the importance of resilience in the face of challenges. One valuable lesson I've learned is that mistakes and obstacles are inevitable, but they don't define our journey; it's how we respond to them that matters most. 

Close-up of Amuk in cap & gown

For instance, when I tore my ACL during my freshman year, it was a setback that could have derailed my aspirations. However, I refused to let it define me or my collegiate experience. Through perseverance and determination, I overcame that obstacle and continued to pursue my passion for basketball at Flagler. This experience taught me the power of resilience and the importance of staying focused on my goals, even in the face of adversity. If I could tell my freshman-year-self anything, it would be to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to never underestimate my own ability to overcome them. 

Tell us about what you’re up to next! Any cool experiences, professional positions, or unique opportunities you have lined up after graduation? 

I plan to join the AFP chapter in New York while getting my master's in business administration.

Featured Experience

Among the 12 collegiate members chosen from the US to participate in the Association of Fundraising Professionals Conference.